Riddle School, a hugely popular free point-and-click puzzle game, has just released its fifth installment, and with the release of Riddle School 5, it is continuing to expand upon its already outstanding library of interesting games. Riddle School 5 is the latest addition to the Riddle School series.
The purpose of this game is for you to once again assume control of Phil, the main character, as he sets off on an epic journey to get away from his adversaries, who are a fascinating gang of aliens that are putting all of existence in peril. Earth! Since you believe that attempting to evade capture from the spaceship rather than the school will provide you with a greater chance of success, you have decided to make your attempt at avoiding capture this time from the spaceship rather than the school. In that evaluation, you are one hundred percent correct! You and your companions have been kidnapped by hostile extraterrestrials in this part of the series of online games, and it is up to you to rescue yourself and your companions so that the three of you can combine into a single person. With relation to the planet Earth, which is our home. By using your mouse to choose the labels that are displayed on the items you are looking for, you will be able to locate the items you are seeking. When you have an item in your inventory, you can use it by clicking on it with your mouse, dragging it to the spot you want it, and releasing it there.
Let's get a game going here.